Online Ordering System

You deserve a full share of your profits. End up paying commissions with your own branded restaurant online ordering software. Let your customers order from anywhere while you can focus on growing the business and customer satisfaction.


Trusted Partner for Thousands of Restaurants and Food Delivery Startups Globally

We Deliver Top-Notch Solutions with the trust every restaurant or food delivery startup seeks to enter the rapidly growing food industry.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Possimus consequuntur asperiores molestias eius adipisci nemo itaque quam illum fugit accusamus recusandae, amet delectus! Iste voluptatum optio accusamus laudantium eos nulla.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Velit nisi exercitationem nam vero magni saepe autem reprehenderit neque error quisquam dicta, eligendi atque aperiam corporis delectus, aspernatur quod fuga? Eligendi?


Product Features

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Branded Pages

Personalize your pages as per your brand guidelines, add restaurant images, deal banners, event details, etc.

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Make your pages look good on all devices with our responsive web design

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Customer History

Know in advance if it’s a new reservation or an existing customer to ensure you give them a more personalized experience

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Online Payments

Enable online payments to take cover charges or ticket sales

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Remind Staff

Automatically send reminders to your staff about upcoming reservations

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Get actionable insights & overview of average order value & waiting times of your table